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About Us

Who we are

Our organization seeks to empower women by creating a more equitable and just society by dismantling barriers, promoting equal rights and opportunities, and empowering women to fulfill their potential in all areas of life.

Here are some key areas related to women’s empowerment:

Promoting access to quality education for girls and women is crucial for their empowerment. It helps them acquire knowledge and skills, enhances their economic opportunities, and enables them to make informed decisions about their lives.

Ensuring equal economic opportunities for women is essential. This involves promoting entrepreneurship, access to finance, and skill development programs to enhance women’s economic participation and financial independence.

Combatting gender-based violence is a crucial aspect of women’s empowerment. It involves raising awareness, providing support services, strengthening legal frameworks, and challenging societal norms that perpetuate violence against women.

Ensuring women’s access to quality healthcare services, including sexual and reproductive health, is essential for their empowerment. This involves addressing gender-based disparities in healthcare, promoting comprehensive sexuality education, and advocating for women’s reproductive rights.

Challenging harmful gender norms, stereotypes, and discriminatory practices is fundamental to women’s empowerment. This includes promoting gender equality in family and relationships, challenging harmful media representations, and fostering cultural shifts that value and respect women’s rights and contributions.

Recognizing and addressing the intersecting forms of discrimination and marginalization that women face is crucial. Women empowerment efforts should consider factors such as race, ethnicity, class, disability, sexual orientation, and other identities to ensure inclusivity and equal opportunities for all women.

Encouraging women’s representation and leadership in politics and governance is vital for creating inclusive and representative decision-making processes. This includes supporting women’s participation in elections, promoting policies that enable their political empowerment, and addressing barriers to their engagement.

Advocating for gender-responsive laws and policies that protect women’s rights, address gender-based discrimination, and promote gender equality. Strengthening institutions that uphold and enforce these laws.

The climate change effect can be felt in the short term through natural hazards, such as landslides, floods, and hurricanes; and in the long term, through more gradual degradation of the environment. women are not only vulnerable to climate change but they are also effective actors or agents of change in both mitigation and adaptation. Women often have a strong body of knowledge and expertise that can be used in climate change mitigation, disaster reduction, and adaptation strategies. Furthermore, women’s responsibilities in households and communities, as stewards of natural and household resources, positions them well to contribute to livelihood strategies adapted
to changing environmental realities. The adverse effects of these events are already felt in many areas, including, inter alia, agriculture, and food security; biodiversity and ecosystems; water resources; human health; human settlements and migration patterns; and energy, transport, and industry.



Angelina Nyachol Tut

Angelina Nyachol Tut

Founder of the Women Prosper Network | Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Angelina Nyachol is the founder of Women Prosper Network. She believes that unity is power and encourages all people to help women and girls live a decent life by standing up against injustices experienced by women all over the world for women to have financial freedom and Independence to cater for their families and contribute to the development of their countries.

Martha Nyakuiy Tut

Martha Nyakuiy Tut

Women Prosper Network - Board Chair

Marlin David Kuony

Marlin David Kuony

Women Prosper Network - Administrative Director

Mary Nyareth Tut

Mary Nyareth Tut

Women Prosper Network - Director services

Josephine Nyaloki Keah

Josephine Nyaloki Keah

Women Prosper Network - Executive secretary

Elizabeth Nyadholi Tut

Elizabeth Nyadholi Tut

Women Prosper Network - Project Manager

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